Hary's latest activity

  • Hary reacted to antspants's post in the thread Solved Right click with Like Like.
    Les I was under the impression that an in-place wont fix/touch user profile issues? Still well worth doing though. Could save much...
  • Hary reacted to Winuser's post in the thread Solved Right click with Like Like.
    I know it will over-write Windows files. I'm more than positive that it won't over-write a User Profile. If I'm wrong I'm sure I will be...
  • Hary reacted to LesFerch's post in the thread Solved Right click with Helpful Helpful.
    :think: But I thought you tried that yesterday as mentioned here.
  • Hary reacted to LesFerch's post in the thread Solved Right click with Great Support Great Support.
    I see. So the taskbar right-click is not the only thing that's broken. I think it's time to try a repair install...
  • Hary reacted to LesFerch's post in the thread Solved Right click with Like Like.
    IIRC, the repair resets some things in the user profile. For example, I'm pretty sure it deletes the FolderTypes key that WinSetView...
  • Hary replied to the thread Solved Right click.
    I know, I also uninstalled EP then, but nothing changed, I think that uninstalling and this in combination helped.
  • Hary reacted to dacrone's post in the thread Solved Right click with Like Like.
    you can try to reset your taskbar and see if that helps, since the reg is crashing...
  • Hary replied to the thread Solved Right click.
    BINGO!! Everything is fine now, the problem with right-clicking and crashing regedit was caused by Explorer Patcher. I uninstalled it...
  • Hary replied to the thread Solved Right click.
    I will try.
  • Hary replied to the thread Solved Right click.
    You can see it in the video
  • Hary replied to the thread Solved Right click.
    At step 4 it crashes and I can't save the key in downloads, is there any alternative.
  • Hary reacted to LesFerch's post in the thread Solved Right click with Like Like.
    Then it's almost certainly caused by some incorrect registry setting(s) in your user-profile. There may be a clue in the article linked...
  • Hary replied to the thread Solved Right click.
    I can't export HKEY_CURRENT_USER, I've tried several times but I can't, the place (I don't know the terminology) where it should be...
  • Hary reacted to dacrone's post in the thread Solved Right click with Like Like.
    https://superuser.com/questions/951306/right-click-on-taskbars-icon-and-slabs-in-start-will-not-open-context-menu-on-w?rq=1 Check last...
  • Hary reacted to LesFerch's post in the thread Solved Right click with Like Like.
    What I'm saying is that you should create another account (just for testing purposes) and login with that account (again just for...