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    • navanakorn reacted to Winuser's post in the thread Locked Files with Like Like.
      My guess is that if the files were in the OneDrive Recycle Bin they must have somehow chose to delete them. Like I said, OneDrive is one...
    • navanakorn reacted to antspants's post in the thread Locked Files with Like Like.
      It's probably safe to say you can remove that unknown from permissions but it's probably safe to say you could also leave it. As all you...
    • navanakorn reacted to antspants's post in the thread Locked Files with Like Like.
      You could also add Reset Permissions and try using that on thew drive first, maybe...
    • navanakorn reacted to antspants's post in the thread Locked Files with Like Like.
    • navanakorn replied to the thread Locked Files.
      that looks very promising, ill remote there in a bit. ill let you know. thanks again
    • navanakorn replied to the thread Locked Files.
      ill try that next too. thank you
    • navanakorn replied to the thread Locked Files.
      i didnt know that is possible. thanks, ill try that tomorrow.
    • navanakorn replied to the thread Locked Files.
      i hope that is not my case but i wouldn’t know if that is so. thats over my head but it sure sounds crazy hard to fix
    • navanakorn replied to the thread Locked Files.
      nope, still stuck hahaha. i dont get embarrassed about my stupidity i think the action itself is kindda funny but the result is surely...
    • navanakorn replied to the thread Locked Files.
      i have to be honest, i have no idea what you are talking about but it sounds really robust . i and ill find out more about it.
    • navanakorn replied to the thread Locked Files.
      me? i took time off from fixing it but i haven’t forgotten about it (and you guys). them files are too valuable. i haven’t given up
    • navanakorn replied to the thread Locked Files.
      totally guilty here. i should have read more and you are right. but everything aside, i believed 95%(or more including me)of the users...
    • navanakorn replied to the thread Locked Files.
      hi, i didnt see any bitlocker option avaliable no take ownership either. i stop messing with it for 2 days as i started to become...
    • navanakorn replied to the thread Locked Files.
      i didn’t know that Onedrive can do that but wow im glad i never used it
    • navanakorn replied to the thread Locked Files.
      i am reading about the OneDrive issue people are talking about but i am still learning on the topic and as for the bit locker, i have...
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