Recent content by qntum

  1. Solved File Explorer - sorting question

    Thank you so much for taking the time to explain the approach in detail. I had spent some time looking at the different options but the idea of sorting/grouping by file attributes never occurred to me. This is what has always impressed me about windows, it's flexibility and to provide many...
  2. Solved File Explorer - sorting question

    Thanks for your reply! The solution you provided is not the behavior I experience; when sorted in ascending order, folders appear at the top. In descending order, the folders appear at the bottom. I need the files sorted in ascending order ... Clicking the column name changes the sort order...
  3. Solved File Explorer - sorting question

    -- may have found the answer in tutorials! will mark as solved if the update works! -- no joy, I await a response.
  4. Solved File Explorer - sorting question

    Within file explorer when files are sorted by name in ascending order, the folders appear at the top, followed by the individual files below them, each in ascending order. Is there a way to keep the same ascending sort order but have the files appear (on top) before the folders? Thanks! -qntum
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