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    • i found the time to finish the Thread Quantum script
    • shoober420 replied to the thread Network tweak script.
      I have a little Windows 11 laptop up and running and was able to finish the MTU script...
    • shoober420 replied to the thread GPU Tweaks Batch Script.
      for sure, i do have my setting values tuned for optimal performance, so if some keys on another users machine have differing values than...
    • shoober420 reacted to Almighty1's post in the thread GPU Tweaks Batch Script with Like Like.
      Yes, I know what you meant. I meant there could be some people who had those registry keys too except with different values in them. I...
    • shoober420 replied to the thread GPU Tweaks Batch Script.
      to clarify, i meant that some of the reg keys present in the script are not in the registry at all, and must be manually added. and...
    • shoober420 reacted to Almighty1's post in the thread GPU Tweaks Batch Script with Like Like.
      LOL, it's hard to provide default values since everyone's system is different as some may have some of the keys even if it wasn't...
    • shoober420 replied to the thread GPU Tweaks Batch Script.
      WinRE can be many things, as you can recover your system in many ways. I fortunately was able to recover my system with WinRE without...
    • shoober420 reacted to Almighty1's post in the thread GPU Tweaks Batch Script with Like Like.
      Thanks, last time I had a BSOD from installing the new security files, WinRE did not work as the WinRE had to be atleast August 14, 2024...
    • shoober420 replied to the thread Network tweak script.
      i got alot of the tweaks from using speedoptimizer and using a script to apply the settings it shows you with the reg keys it changes in...
    • shoober420 replied to the thread GPU Tweaks Batch Script.
      so WinRE is the blue interface that appears when holding shift key down while restarting the PC. i dont have any experience with WinPE...
    • shoober420 reacted to Almighty1's post in the thread GPU Tweaks Batch Script with Like Like.
      Yes, don't have experience with WinRE. Does any WinPE work or does it have to be the actual WinRE? Also, when one uses the command...
    • shoober420 reacted to user321's post in the thread Network tweak script with Helpful Helpful.
      That one are quite an outdated fork. Here is the updated. gaming_os_builder
    • shoober420 replied to the thread GPU Tweaks Batch Script.
      so you can also do a WinRE and choose the Command Prompt option and launch regedit that way. I did that alot when testing tweaks and...
    • shoober420 reacted to Almighty1's post in the thread GPU Tweaks Batch Script with Like Like.
      Thanks. As for backup of the registry, that won't work as one really should only note the original values for the same registry keys...
    • shoober420 reacted to ShamrockRig's post in the thread GPU Tweaks Batch Script with Like Like.
      So without reading every comment in depth, Whats the purpose of this? Am i gonna get more FPS? My Gpu is already set to max performance...
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