Recent content by Sufi_m

  1. My Desktop folder is embedded in itself

    Please check my response to an earlier comment. I have tried to explain my problem in more details. (My response)
  2. My Desktop folder is embedded in itself

    It seems there may have been some confusion about the issue I'm facing. I have the flexibility to move the desktop folder as needed, and currently, it's located within one of the OneDrive folders shown in the screenshot (image 1). However, my problem lies in the fact that regardless of where I...
  3. My Desktop folder is embedded in itself

    I was trying to change location of my desktop folder but all I did was mess up the original structure. Now, my desktop location is in one of the OneDrive folders. However, when I was changing the location of desktop folder, at one point I think I used the path in screenshot as desktop folder. I...
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