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    • Toasty92 reacted to Ghot's post in the thread 24h2 with Love Love.
      You're good to go then. You can experiment as much as you like. Just make sure it's a fairly recent backup. :-)
    • Toasty92 replied to the thread 24h2.
      ahh i can see the issue there
    • Toasty92 replied to the thread 24h2.
      then damn son you got some good eating right there, cant knock the scotts they get things done, especialy the one i met he was a great...
    • Toasty92 reacted to Marcus Vinicus's post in the thread 24h2 with Helpful Helpful.
      This has been mentioned more than once by numerous posters at Eleven Forums already but repeated here for those who have missed it...
    • Toasty92 replied to the thread 24h2.
      unless you got some mash to go with that ;), that means i alread am a mad scientist haha i have a backup of my OS :p
    • Toasty92 replied to the thread 24h2.
      the main reason why i was enquiring was because me like my fellows we all run AMD systems so from what ive seen its good for FPS on...
    • Toasty92 reacted to Ghot's post in the thread 24h2 with Love Love.
      I plagiarized a song, just for Windows 24H2... I bought this old comp, for my internet romps The wifey, she wanted one too I got...
    • Toasty92 replied to the thread 24h2.
      that made sence :) i see what your doing now :)
    • Toasty92 reacted to Ghot's post in the thread 24h2 with Helpful Helpful.
      The Disk Management pic shows how my drives are set up. I have two identical Samsung 500GB 2.5" SATA drives. Normally, only the Windows...
    • Toasty92 reacted to Ghot's post in the thread 24h2 with Like Like.
      Not really... I had just installed Windows 10 like a year earlier. It was still running clean and tight, so I figured, why go through...
    • Toasty92 replied to the thread 24h2.
      when i said deleted i was refering to the frankenstien picture hah but that last image with your device manager, could you elaborate a...
    • Toasty92 replied to the thread 24h2.
      @Ghot aww you deleted it before i could say "some serious thinking going on there!" ;)
    • Toasty92 reacted to Ghot's post in the thread 24h2 with Haha Haha.
      Windows 7 didn't have an In-Place Upgrade. That was just a "free" upgrade from Win 7 to Win 10. A true In-Place Upgrade is much better...
    • Toasty92 replied to the thread 24h2.
      show off ;)
    • Toasty92 replied to the thread 24h2.
      i am definately going to try this and from the heart thank you for this tutorial to do so (Y) genuienly, last time i ever tried a...
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