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    • Trebo58 replied to the thread Snap, Crackle and Pop.
      Hi, can anyone confirm this is a sound card for my laptop? The seller insists it's a sound card, but I am sure it's just an audio board...
    • Trebo58 replied to the thread Snap, Crackle and Pop.
      Thanks, TraderGary, for your help; you are correct; however, it only offers Windows, XP, Vista, and Windows 7; as I am running Windows...
    • Trebo58 replied to the thread Snap, Crackle and Pop.
      Thanks, cerberus, for indirectly bringing to my attention my typo; I have updated the date. again thanks
    • New to this forum and have been on the Win10 since 2021. I love to take old relics (laptops) and give them a new lease of life, so this...
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