When I use 'shell:::{05d7b0f4-2121-4eff-bf6b-ed3f69b894d9}' to get into settings and enable 'action centre' switch and click the 'OK' button, it doesn't work the way it was with Windows 10.
So I wondered if there's some kind of override command to put the 'action centre' icon back in system tray with all its tiles such as 'all settings' (control panel), etc?
Something similar like boot into save mode using the F8 key during (re)boot by using the 'bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy' command to override default setting.
That still works in Windows 11 today.
The thing is that I'd like to tweak Windows the way it is most comfortable for me as long as possible.
Hope someone can help me here.
@glasskuter, I already did indead ... so things are no longer centralised.
I'm used to Windows through the years, yet this doesn't make things any easier though.
For a 'regular user', this may be a bit troublesome.
Change is not always progress in my opinion.
No it's not but with each new version of Windows MS giveth and taketh away.. Some of it is because they think it's what we need and some due to pure aesthetics. I've been doing this a long time and have learned to just roll with change, because it is inevitable. It doesn't make it any easier to accept or explain their reasoning behind it.
That's a problem that MS have now. They produced a pig of an OS with 11 (essentially a skinned up 10 with much less functionality)
At least the likes of Apple progress their OS's with each release without stabbing common sense in the back, ChromeOS by default gets better with every release as it just couldn't get any worse so that's progressive.
Sorry for bumping this thread after about a year, but there IS a way to get the classic Windows 10 Action Center in Windows 11!
Step 1. Open the registry editor,
Step 2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
Step 3. Create a new key called "Control Center"
Step 4. Create a new DWORD named "UseLiteLayout"
Step 5. Set the value to 1.
OR put the following .reg file and run it:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Center]
Step 6. Restart the computer
And then you can finally use the old action center!
Although it's a little buggy, it still works!