Phone Share Files from Android Mobile Device to Windows 11 PC


This tutorial will show you how to share files to your Windows 11 PC from your linked Android mobile device connected via Phone Link and the Link to Windows app.

When you pair your Android device to your Windows PC using the Link to Windows app on your Android device and Phone Link on your PC, you can seamlessly transfer (share) content between your PC and mobile devices.


Here's How:

1 On your linked Android phone, select one or more files you want to share with your connected Windows 11 PC. (see screenshot below step 2)

2 Tap the Share button at the bottom. (see screenshot below)


3 Tap on Link to Windows. (see screenshots below)

If you don't see Link to Windows available, tap on More (3 dots), and tap on Link to Windows.


4 Tap on the connected Windows 11 PC (ex: "BrinkW11") you want to share the files with. (see screenshot below)


5 The sharing progress will be shown; please do not leave the page until it completes.

6 You will get a File received notification from the Phone Link app on your connected Windows 11 PC. You can click/tap on Open or Show in folder for what you want. (see screenshot below)

All files received on your PC will be saved to your C:\Users\<username>\Downloads\Phone Link folder by default.


That's it,
Shawn Brink

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