I have reinstalled again without saving data and I don't understand how it can be that in the microsoft store without an account, two applications appear that I downloaded at the time but that I no longer have installed. Does anyone understand how they can appear and if it is possible to remove them.
Welcome to the forum. I'm not fully understanding here. Some apps from the store can not be installed without using a MS account. When you ask how they can appear, appear WHERE? When you ask how to remove them, remove them from WHERE??? Your statement indicates you don't have them installed any more. If you had them installed in the past you probably were using a MS account at the time and if you want to use them now, you will have to change to a MS account. If that's not your situation please provide a little more detailed info.
Uninstalled Store Apps still show as Owned in the Store instead of Installed, if not using MS account presumably it can still link to your PC via it's digital activation regardless of if you are signed in or not as I can see mine regardless of if I'm signed into Microsoft or not and they show up on all PCs either as installed or owned depending on if they are installed or not. Office 19 shows up in Win11 as owned but it's Installed on a different PC which is on Win10. This will probably concern the Paranoid, personally I'm not bothered.
Reformatting a PC does not get rid of it's digital registration.
By what is understood Microsoft creates a profile of our store even if we do not use our account that even if we delete all the content of our computer it will always come out again. This can not be avoided in any way? little privacy in microsoft store.
I've been thinking about this and this is the way I see it. I think if you ever install an app using a MS account, it not only registers to your MS account and stays registered as owned even if you uninstall it, it also registers to your device. If you want to stop the registered apps from being re-installed when you clean install windows, you can un-register the device from your account. Remove a device from your Microsoft account