I have to admit, I'm not sure exactly I understand your issue but from what I can gather you are unable to login to your account. If that is correct, read on.
If that is not your situation, ignore the remainder of this post but please read the postscript at the bottom.
There's no way to recover your password but there is a way to gain access to the system through the hidden administrator account.
You can enable the
hidden administrator account from a command prompt at boot.
To enter command prompt at boot use this tutorial. You should be able to use options 4, 5, 7, 8, or 9
Open Command Prompt at Boot in Windows 11 Tutorial
You can then enable the hidden administrator account using
option 5 in this tutorial.
Enable or Disable Built-in Administrator Account in Windows 11 Tutorial
Once this hidden account is enabled, reboot and Administrator will be a login option on the sign-in screen. Select it. Once its desktop is created, create a new user account as follows.
1. Create a local user account
- Select Start > Settings > Accounts and then select Family & other users. (In some versions of Windows you'll see Other users.)
- Next to Add other user, select Add account.
- Select I don't have this person's sign-in information, and on the next page, select Add a user without a Microsoft account.
- Enter a user name, password, or password hint—or choose security questions—and then select Next.
Very Important-
Change the newly created local user account to an administrator account
Start-settings-accounts-family and other users
Select the user name for the account you just created, then select
Change account type. Make it
Restart and the newly created account should now be an option on login screen. Log into it. Windows will create its desktop.
Once you know the newly created account is working correctly, be sure to disable the hidden administrator account. Within the new account, in search box type
cmd. In search results select
command prompt app and select
run as administrator.
In cmd window type
net user administrator /active:no
From the newly created account you can then delete the old user account you can no longer access.
PS: It appears your problem started when you attempted a reset. You can do another reset (Hold shift down while restarting to get into recovery.) but this time choose remove everything option. The system will then reset, remove everything and reinstall windows. When it boots, you will be in out of box experience where you can create a new user account.