So I've been ticking along nicely for quite a long time. Since the last lot of Windows updates suddenly some sites are slower to load and graphics are taking ages to appear. Laptop sort of hanging. So I thought maybe the last update turned something on in the background that was running. Checked to see what was running and the only possible culprits looked like Adobe or HP possibly.
But now I can't find where to turn off background apps - have the settings changed again?
Alternatively - is there a recent update to Intel Graphics drivers? I had to do that a year or so ago as there's no recent proprietor graphics driver.
One thing I look at in Task Manager is the Startup list to see what is Enabled or Disabled and change according to my needs, on this I see a change I need to make on this Notebook I just got Wednesday.
Thank you. Yes I just turned off Microsoft "To do" in settings - but can't find how to turn off background apps in settings. Or maybe doing it via task manager is easier?
Anyway found a later graphics driver and installed that and it's marginally better but I still think something is running in the background.
Nothing really showing up in task manager. What is "System interrupts"?
If you want to turn something off that isn’t in the startup settings, you may need to open Task Scheduler and find the corresponding task and disable it.
I’d be careful moving forward.
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (4th Gen?)
ASUS ROG Maximus VI Formula
32.0 GB of I forget and the box is in storage.
Graphics Card(s)
Gigabyte nVidia GeForce GTX 1660 Super OC 6GB
Sound Card
Monitor(s) Displays
4 x LG 23MP75 - 2 x 24MK430H-B - 1 x Wacom Pro 22" Tablet
Screen Resolution
All over the place
Hard Drives
Too many to list.
OS on Samsung 1TB 870 QVO SATA
Silverstone 1500
NZXT Phantom 820 Full-Tower Case
Noctua NH-D15 Elite Class Dual Tower CPU Cooler / 6 x EziDIY 120mm / 2 x Corsair 140mm somethings / 1 x 140mm Thermaltake something / 2 x 200mm Corsair.
Not all apps have this feature. Go to Apps, installed apps and go through them. For example 'Copilot'. Click on the 3dots and select 'Advanced options'; apps only with this option works. Select 'let this app run in the background'. Select never.
Turned HP Smart to Never as that had shown as running (or does that mean printing won't work now? Assume it'll work on demand).
And I'm suspecting Adobe as well as that was running. Have Notifications for Adobe in Apps - but presumably if I turn that to Never then it won't tell me when it needs an update.
Might have just been the graphics driver though as it seems a bit snappier now. Although still hanging slightly.
sfc/scannow found some corrupted files and repaired them as well so that might help. Or I suppose it could be Firefox perhaps. Drive is ok, I tested it.