This tutorial will provide you with a reference list off all internal page URLs for Google Chrome.
Google Chrome includes internal URLs for pages that can be used to provide additional information or change browser settings.
You can copy and paste the Chrome page URLs below into the address bar of Google Chrome, and press Enter to open the page.
Chrome URLs | Description |
chrome://about | Lists all internal URLs. Same as chrome://chrome-urls/ |
chrome://accessibility | Inspect the representation of accessibility in Chrome and modify accessibility modes. |
chrome://app-service-internals | Shows available app services |
chrome://apps | Lists all applications installed in Chrome. |
chrome://autofill-internals | Lists captured autofill logs. |
chrome://blob-internals | Lists blob data if available. |
chrome://bluetooth-internals | Provides information on Bluetooth connectivity including available adapters, devices, and debug logs. |
chrome://bookmarks | Lists all bookmarks. |
chrome://components | Installed plugins and components. |
chrome://conflicts | The page lists all modules loaded in the browser and rendered processes, and modules registered to load at a later point in time. |
chrome://connectors-internals | List of displayable enterprise connectors. |
chrome://conversion-internals | Attribution Reporting API Internals |
chrome://crashes | Lists all recently reported crashes. Includes option to clear the listing. |
chrome://credits | Lists credits for various components and features that Chrome uses. |
chrome://data-viewer | Linked to diagnostic data. |
chrome://device-log | Provides device information, e.g. events of Bluetooth or USB devices. |
chrome://dino | Play Dino. |
chrome://discards | Tabs may be discarded by the browser, e.g. to free up memory. The page lists those tabs and related information. |
chrome://download-internals | Displays the download status, and provides options to start a download. |
chrome://downloads | Opens the internal downloads management page listing all downloads of Chrome. |
chrome://chrome-urls | Lists all internal URLs. Same as chrome://about |
chrome://extensions | Lists all installed extensions and their status. |
chrome://flags | Opens a page full of experimental features that may be managed from that page. |
chrome://floc-internals | The user-tracking FLoC technology status and options. |
chrome://gcm-internals | Google Cloud Messaging Service options |
chrome://gpu | Provides detailed information about the capabilities of the graphics adapter as well as driver bug workarounds and potential problems. |
chrome://help | Displays the current version of Chrome and runs a check for updates. |
chrome://histograms | Stats accumulated from browser startup to previous page load. |
chrome://history | Opens the browsing history. |
chrome://indexeddb-internals | Information about the use of IndexedDB by sites. |
chrome://inspect | Configure port forwarding for USB devices and configure network targets. |
chrome://interstitials | The page displays various interstitial pages that Chrome displays, e.g. when it detects a captive portal, on SSL errors, or when you are encountering lookalike URLs |
chrome://invalidations | Lists invalidations debug information. |
chrome://local-state | JSON data that lists browser features and policies, and their status. |
chrome://management | Page is only active if Chrome is managed by a company or organization. |
chrome://media-engagement | Lists media engagement values, and displays sessions. |
chrome://media-internals | Provides media information |
chrome://nacl | Displays NaCl (Native Client) information. |
chrome://net-export | Option to capture a network log. |
chrome://net-internals/#dns | Clear host cache. |
chrome://net-internals/#hsts | Manage domain security policy settings. |
chrome://net-internals/#proxy | Re-apply proxy settings, or clear bad proxies |
chrome://net-internals/#sockets | Close idle sockets, and/or flush socket pools |
chrome://network-errors | Lists all available network errors that Chrome may throw |
chrome://new-tab-page | Opens Google New Tab page. |
chrome://new-tab-page-third-party | Opens a custom New Tab page if it is configured. |
chrome://newtab | Opens default New Tab page. |
chrome://ntp-tiles-internals | Provides information on New Tab Page data, e.g. whether Top Sites is enabled, the list of sites, and more. |
chrome://omnibox | Displays address bar input results on the page. |
chrome://password-manager-internals | Provides internal information on the password manager in Chrome. |
chrome://policy | Lists policies that are set in Chrome. Option to export to JSON. |
chrome://predictors | Lists auto-complete and resource prefetch predictors. |
chrome://prefs-internals | JSON data listing preferences and their status. |
chrome://print | Print Preview page. |
chrome://process-internals | Information about site isolation mode and the sites that are isolated. |
chrome://quota-internals | Disk quota information including available free disk space for the profile directory. |
chrome://safe-browsing | Configuration details for the safe browsing security feature. |
chrome://sandbox | Detailed sandbox status for Chrome processes. |
chrome://serviceworker-internals | Service Worker information. |
chrome://settings | Opens the main Settings page of the browser. |
chrome://signin-internals | Details about the sign-in status, refresh tokens, email addresses and more. |
chrome://site-engagement | Site engagement scores for every visited site. |
chrome://sync-internals | Provides lots of information about synchronization in Chrome. |
chrome://system | System information, e.g. Chrome and Windows version, whether enrolled to domain, and more. |
chrome://terms | License Terms |
chrome://tracing | Record, load, and save trace data. |
chrome://translate-internals | Provides information on the built-in translation functionality. |
chrome://ukm | Metric collection. |
chrome://usb-internals | Option to test USB devices and a devices list. |
chrome://user-actions | Lists user actions. |
chrome://version | Chrome version information including command line parameters and variations (experiments). |
chrome://web-app-internals | Installed app details in JSON format. |
chrome://webrtc-internals | Create WebRTC dumps. |
chrome://webrtc-logs | Lists of recently captured WebRTC text and event logs. |
chrome://whats-new | Shows the most recent additions to the browser. |
List of chrome://internals pages
For Debug
The following pages are for debugging purposes only for simulating web page errors. Because they crash or hang the renderer, you can copy and paste them into the address bar if you need them.
That's it,
Shawn Brink
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