Windows Package Manager (WinGet) 1.5.441 Preview Windows 10 and Windows 11

  • Staff
This is the second development build after the Windows Package Manager 1.4 build for Windows 10 (1809+) and Windows 11. This build will be released to Windows Insider Dev builds and Windows Package Manager Insiders.

Experimental features are enabled in this release. The experimental feature for package pinning is now supported and included in this release.

Run winget features to see which experimental features are enabled or disabled.
Add the following to your settings (winget settings) file to enable the experimental features including package pinning:

    "experimentalFeatures": {
"pinning": true,
"dependencies": true,
"directMSI": true,
"uninstallPreviousArgument": true,

This release includes an early preview of our Microsoft.WinGet.Client PowerShell module. Improvements to the PowerShell module have been made in this release to enhance the output of the cmdlets. Information about getting started and usage can be found here.


What's Changed​



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