Recent content by emilcioran99

  1. Windows 11 Insider Preview Dev Build 22458 (RS_PRERELEASE) - Sept. 15

    Can't install like others last 3 builds. Reverted back to 22000.184. Setuperr.log is empty and in setupact.log found this error: [svchost.exe] Enter WinReIsWimBootEnabled [svchost.exe] Parameters: pszWinDir: NULL [svchost.exe] Exit WinReIsWimBootEnabled returns 0 with last error: 0x2 It's the...
  2. Insider Windows 11 Insider Preview Dev Build 22454 (RS_PRERELEASE) - Sept. 9

    Thanks for this, but think that is not the only one driver with problems, because for me didn't work. Tried 3 times, but no luck at all. Last 2 builds, same error 0xc1900101.
  3. NMVE Driver question

    I had this bug in Win 10. Tried everything what I found on net. Nothing works. Solved only with a Win 10 clean install and installed only Samsung NVME driver but NO IRST (Intel Rapid Storage Technology).
  4. POLL: Does your current PC meet Windows 11 minimum requirements?

    Asus GL703GE Intel® Core™ i7-8750H Processor based Laptop, UEFI & Secure boot = Ok
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