Recent content by rumplestiltskin

  1. Win 11 upgraded from Win 10 - freezes in browser(s), when inactive for a while

    I'm posting this way after the fact and after my resolution of the issue but thought it might be useful (and maybe others have seen this and will agree with my conclusion [or not]). Two machines: Lenovo T5 Desktop, Core i7-10700, 16GB RAM, Nvidia 1660 Super LG Gram 13Z990 notebook, Core...
  2. Poll on Backup software

    Casper from will create (and maintain) a bootable backup (even with a USB drive!). Earlier versions of the app did not provide a history of the last successful backup (would always fail to show any backups) even though they were successful. I worked with them to fix this (my...
  3. Solved eM Client

    Three seats is correct; had it running on both my two desktops and one laptop. However, I recently abandoned eM Client and went back to Thunderbird for a number of reasons: 1. eM Client is s-l-o-w. TBird is considerably faster. 2. eM Client is excruciatingly slow in rendering photos of any...
  4. Which is your preferred password manager software? 2nd Edition. New and improved

    1Password...for many years. No complaints. Works on my PCs, Macs, Android devices. (Don't use iOS devices but it works there, as well.)
  5. So, what Does Work?

    I used Macs for 35 years and worked for Apple for some of that time. You are correct; while certain macOS upgrades required some minor hacks to apps or user approval if certain "security" features were not enabled in the app, eventually a number of macOS APIs changed to such a degree that...
  6. Poll on Backup software

    Casper from works quite well. I have it set to image my internal SSD to an external USB HD. That external drive contains everything from the internal SSD and can actually boot the machine (so I can run Casper to restore everything). Pretty neat. The latest update resolved a minor...
  7. Narrow Scrollbars

    Thank you, all, for pointing out yet another fubar'd UI issue. I'll stick with W10 until the gnomes at Microsoft can remove their firmly planted heads from their nether regions. Truly; it's amazing how much Microsoft wants to be Apple yet can't see how badly "cute" UI design works (or, rather, doesn't...
  8. Solved eM Client

    I provided my Google info when it requested it (in the little window to the Google log-in). Perhaps local addressbooks are okay. Even TBird doesn't respect what should be a "primary" eMail address for a contact but I'm using a suggested workaround for that. I'm sticking with TBird for now if for...
  9. Solved eM Client

    Installed v8 two days ago but removed it when I discovered it did not handle changes to my Google contacts properly. When I changed a Contact record, waited 20 minutes, then went back into the record, it added an extra (duplicate) eMail address at the end of the list in that contact record. It...
  10. Are we finally ditching drive letters?

    My Lenovo won't let me do that; it reports that drive as "busy" because this window is open displaying the drive (not even the contents of the drive; just the drive's icon). Usually, however, if I use the taskbar to do the ejecting, the drive icon will just vanish as expected.
  11. Are we finally ditching drive letters?

    I have a 4-bay enclosure that does list all the mounted volumes but I can only eject -all- the drives. This is true whether I plug the device into my Mac or my Lenovo. No hot-swapping permitted.
  12. Are we finally ditching drive letters?

    Oh, the horror...the horror...
  13. Are we finally ditching drive letters? USB eject menu shows each hardware device ID (like "Seagate ###AAA") and, subordinate to that, the letter and name of the volume. (I might have the letter location wrong.) So I know, by the name, which drive I want to eject. The letters are irrelevant as they change fairly often.
  14. Are we finally ditching drive letters?

    Absolutely; Mac users have always known they are to "eject" a mounted hard drive prior to disconnecting it. Once drives appear on the Desktop (and I suppose you could have a dedicated area for them - like in the upper left corner of the screen starting with the boot drive and proceeding down...
  15. Are we finally ditching drive letters?

    ...and that (what you want) is exactly the way it works on a Mac...without Bash or Console or anything. Certainly providing automatic mounting on the Desktop of USB-connected drives wouldn't preclude the use of drive letters; I would imagine you'd click a checkbox to display letters (on uncheck...
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