Since launching the new Microsoft Store on Windows last year, we’ve welcomed thousands of great desktop apps and games. We are excited to introduce the Microsoft Store App Awards and recognize select developers and apps. We’re excited to introduce the Microsoft Store Community Choice Awards, which are nominated by the community, and the Microsoft Store Editor’s Choice Awards, which are apps recognized by Microsoft. Although gaming is always incredibly important to us and our customers, for these awards, we’re focused on apps.
Microsoft Store Community Choice Awards
Earlier this year, we asked you to nominate your favorite apps in the Microsoft Store on Windows, and then to vote on the qualifying apps earlier this month. Thank you for helping us to recognize these great apps in the Store!
Utility Category
The Utility category is to recognize apps that help automate tasks, diagnose issues, record of share your screen, navigate drivers, and more. When you use these apps, they are indispensable.
Read more:
Announcing the Microsoft Store App Awards Winners!
Since launching the new Microsoft Store on Windows last year, we’ve welcomed thousands of great desktop apps and games. We are excited to introduce the Microsoft Store App Awards and rec