l see that this topic has not been posted to since April 2023. That's too bad, because this is really a HOT Topic.
What can be done in Windows, is beside the point, since Nothing in Windows will remove the junk that I remove with my simple little Batch File. Likewise, commercially available software, like CCleaner.
For years, I ran my own Computer Repair business, and I would go into peoples' homes and tune up/Clean up their computers.
To speed up the Cleanup process, I wrote my first Cleanup.bat (batch file) program. I didn't even have to install it to the PC I was working on, to clean it up. I'd just run my batch file from my Utilities Flash Drive. *
If my customer understood the value of my simple little batch file, and wanted a copy, I would then install it on their computer, with a shortcut on their desktop.
* I've even tuned up computers half a world away, using Team Viewer, without ever installing my Batch File on the computer I was tuning up.
I've reported the success that I've had with my new and improved Batch File before, but now, it's even better. (Newer and even more improved)
I've added one more line, to clean out the Temporary Internet Files created by Chrome. I don't use Chrome, but many others do.
So now, my Cleanup.bat program is even more inclusive. (for those around the world who want to use it)
I'll still send it to anyone who wants it.
Every time I run my Batch File on my own PC, I get this report at the end of the run.

That is just the junk that was created in one day, on my PC. I shudder to think what could build up on my SSD in a year. Yikes!
In the past, I've cleaned up customer's PC's that had
Millions of junk files present on their HD's.
Some of those PC's had slowed to the point of being almost inoperable.
And, how many times have we read on this forum, "my PC is running so slow....". And they receive so many complicated answers, that really don't address the root cause. "Junk Buildup".
If anyone wants my new Batch File, I'll post it. Otherwise......
Merry Christmas Mates!

Attached, is my Christmas Present to y'all.
The text of my Cleanup batch file. Just copy the text into any word processor and save it as "Cleanup.bat".