I work as freelance support engineer I can support all systems from XP upwards, most on a multiboot system. Initislly i upgrded a Win 10 system to Win 11 to familiarise myself with thye new OS.
It appears as in the past Microsoft delivers a new OS which is a mish-mash XP to Vista; Win 7 to 8, and now Win 10mto 11. Is there a pattern here?
This isn't a comprehensive list, but there appears to be some arrogancy in Microsofts approach, or certaibly a lack of psychology in delivering a system which appears to amke changes for the sake of change - has Microsoft hear of the old adage, "if it ain't broke don't fix it". BY all means offer new and exciting options/apps.
1. As a freelance engineer, forcing microsoft accounts on Home, (and soon of Pro?) makes life difficult if clients are away, don't want a microsft account, - Isn't an issue on upgrades. but is on new systems. Big Brother?
2. Many things in 10 which require one click require 2 in 11.
,3. More difficult to make certain apps as default, eg Chrome.
4. Tough hardeware demands is somewaht unecessary,( and arrogant). Many users will not upgrade, at least until it becomes time to buy new. Older systems life is being extended by a relatively inexpensive upgade to SSDs
5. Rather narrow sliders for scrolling, look pretty but impractical
6. Task bar issues discussed elsewhere.
This is just for starters!
PS Many clients are asking me to downgrade to Win 10
It appears as in the past Microsoft delivers a new OS which is a mish-mash XP to Vista; Win 7 to 8, and now Win 10mto 11. Is there a pattern here?
This isn't a comprehensive list, but there appears to be some arrogancy in Microsofts approach, or certaibly a lack of psychology in delivering a system which appears to amke changes for the sake of change - has Microsoft hear of the old adage, "if it ain't broke don't fix it". BY all means offer new and exciting options/apps.
1. As a freelance engineer, forcing microsoft accounts on Home, (and soon of Pro?) makes life difficult if clients are away, don't want a microsft account, - Isn't an issue on upgrades. but is on new systems. Big Brother?
2. Many things in 10 which require one click require 2 in 11.
,3. More difficult to make certain apps as default, eg Chrome.
4. Tough hardeware demands is somewaht unecessary,( and arrogant). Many users will not upgrade, at least until it becomes time to buy new. Older systems life is being extended by a relatively inexpensive upgade to SSDs
5. Rather narrow sliders for scrolling, look pretty but impractical
6. Task bar issues discussed elsewhere.
This is just for starters!
PS Many clients are asking me to downgrade to Win 10
My Computer
System One
- OS
- windows 11