odd, I just started getting notifications, they appear only in telegram, not on the main phone notifications, which makes the program pretty much useless. No one can use this as what is the point of being forced to keep the app open all the time while waiting for a motion event to occur, or what checking to see every so often?
So for example windows 11, the telegram app has a red 6 and windows just popped up some delayed notification messages too, but for the phone no idea really. With the app page open just pops up the motion pics, with no sound or other type android notification, So perhaps for the PC app is more useful than the phone, really it is just bizarre to me how this works, especially on the android phone app.
And right now the windows app, ok the little red icon in the icon appears having the number of motion notifications, but then it also goes away. And now also not getting windows notifications popping up and then going away? So you really don't know there was a motion as their is no lingering notification to check, it is fleeting.
For example, I create movement in front of the usb camera, it detects and records motion pictures, pops up a notification motion occured, and then it is gone away, like nothing happened. To see the pics, on telegram type /lastimages_695, and they auto load the last images and that is it.