This tutorial will show you how to customize the OEM support information for your Windows 11 PC.
The OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) support information in Windows includes the manufacturer, support phone, support hours, and support website for your PC.
If you purchased a PC from a vendor, it'll usually already have all of the OEM support information under "Support" on the Settings > System > About page.
If you build your own PCs, then you can add your own custom support information.
You must be signed in as an administrator to add or customize OEM support information.
EXAMPLE: OEM Support Information in Settings
Here's How:
1 Open Registry Editor (regedit.exe).
2 Navigate to the key below in the left pane of Registry Editor. (see screenshot below)
3 Do step 4 (manufacturer), step 5 (phone), step 6 (hours), and/or step 7 (website) below for which OEM information you want to add, remove, or customize. When finished, go to step 8 below.
This specifies the name of the manufacturer with a maximum length of 256 characters.
If you don't have a Manufacturer string value, right click or press and hold on an empty space in the right pane of the OEMInformation key, click/tap on New, click/tap on String Value, type Manufacturer for the name, and press Enter.
If you want to remove the manufacturer information, right click or press and hold on the Manufacturer string value, click/tap on Delete, click/tap on Yes when prompted to confirm, and go to step 3 above.
This specifies the phone number(s) to call for support for the OEM with a maximum length of 256 characters.
If you don't have a SupportPhone string value, right click or press and hold on an empty space in the right pane of the OEMInformation key, click/tap on New, click/tap on String Value, type SupportPhone for the name, and press Enter.
If you wanted to remove the support phone information, right click or press and hold on the SupportPhone string value, click/tap on Delete, click/tap on Yes when prompted to confirm, and go to step 3 above.
This specifies the hours that support is available for the OEM with a maximum length of 256 characters.
If you don't have a SupportHours string value, right click or press and hold on an empty space in the right pane of the OEMInformation key, click/tap on New, click/tap on String Value, type SupportHours for the name, and press Enter.
If you want to remove the support hours information, right click or press and hold on the SupportHours string value, click/tap on Delete, click/tap on Yes when prompted to confirm, and go to step 3 above.
This specifies the support website page URL for the OEM.
If you don't have a SupportURL string value, right click or press and hold on an empty space in the right pane of the OEMInformation key, click/tap on New, click/tap on String Value, type SupportURL for the name, and press Enter.
If you want to remove the website information, right click or press and hold on the SupportURL string value, click/tap on Delete, click/tap on Yes when prompted to confirm, and go to step 3 above. Website info will only actually get removed when you remove all the other support info.
8 When finished, you can close Registry Editor if you like.
That's it,
Shawn Brink