This tutorial will show you how to manually reset data usage stats back to zero as needed for networks in Windows 11.
In Windows 11, you can view the data usage of networks from the last 30 days. The data usage is itemized per type of network (ex: Wi-Fi or Ethernet), and by app usage.
The data usage stats for networks will automatically reset every 30 days (each month).
Starting with Windows 11 build 23466, Microsoft has added additional options to the Data Usage page that allows for daily and weekly data limits. The page will also now show how far a data limit has been exceeded.
You must be signed in as an administrator to reset data usage stats for a network.
- Option One: Reset Data Usage Stats for Specific Network in Settings
- Option Two: Reset Data Usage Stats for All Networks in Command Prompt
- Option Three: Reset Data Usage Stats for All Networks using BAT file
EXAMPLE: Data usage stats reset for a network connection
1 Open Settings (Win+I).
2 Click/tap on Network & internet on the left side, and click/tap on Data usage at the top on the right side for the network connection you want. (see screenshot below)
3 Click/tap on the reset button for Reset usage stats at the bottom. (see screenshot below)
4 Click/tap on Reset to confirm. (see screenshot below)
5 You can now close Settings if you like.
1 Open Windows Terminal (Admin), and select Command Prompt.
2 Copy and paste the command below into the elevated command prompt, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)
net stop DPS & DEL /F /S /Q /A "%windir%\System32\sru\*" & net start DPS
3 When finished, you can close Windows Terminal (Admin) if you like.
1 Click/tap on the download button below to download the file.
(Contents of BAT file for reference)
powershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/s,/c,net stop DPS > NUL 2>&1 & DEL /F /S /Q /A "%windir%\System32\sru\*" & net start DPS > NUL 2>&1' -Verb runAs"
2 Save the ZIP file to your desktop.
3 Unblock the ZIP file.
4 Extract the BAT file from the ZIP file.
5 Run the BAT file.
6 If prompted by UAC, click/tap on Yes to approve run as administrator.
7 You will now see a command prompt flash and quickly open and close to reset the data usage stats of all network connections on the computer.
That's it,
Shawn Brink
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