This tutorial will show you how to take a screenshot using the Print Screen key without screen snipping from the Snipping Tool app in Windows 10 and Windows 11.
When you take a screenshot using the Print Screen key, it will take a full screen screenshot and automatically save the screenshot as a PNG file.
If you have more than one display connected when taking a screenshot using the Print Screen key, the full screen screenshot will include all displays.
It is required to turn off Use the Print screen button to open screen snipping to not have the Print Screen key open screen capture from the Snipping Tool app.
Here's How:
1 Press the Windows + Print Screen keys.
You may need to press the + Ctrl + PrtScn or + Fn + PrtScn keys instead on some laptops.
2 You will now notice your display(s) quickly dim and return back to normal as a snapshot of your screen(s) are captured as a screenshot.
You will only see your display(s) dim if you have Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing turned on.
3 The screenshot will automatically be saved in your C:\Users\(user-name)\Pictures\Screenshots folder with a file name of Screenshot (#).png with # indicating the screenshot index counter. Each screenshot you take increases the counter # by one. (see screenshot below)
That's it,
Shawn Brink
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