I realize it's a little late to resolve this issue but once you get your system straightened out, back it up. It's a good idea to do so regularly. That way when something goes awry or quits working, you can get back to a clean state in less than 15 minutes. Your system specs are not filled in so I don't know what version of 11 you are running. If it's
Pro, something may have changed in group policy to cause these options to be grayed. If you are running
Home, you do not have group poilcy.
Remove SAB and doing an inplace upgrade should solve this issue if group policy settings are not involved.
Tutorial Here.
After performing the in-place upgrade successfully reclaim your disk space by removing windows.old
In search box type 'disk cleanup". In search results right click on 'disk cleanup app' and
run as administrator.
Select your C: drive
Disk cleanup will present you with a list of files that can be deleted. Scroll down the list and select "previous windows installations"
It will take a while for it to complete. When it does the disk cleanup window will close.