Accessibility Turn On or Off Narrator Scan Mode in Windows 11


This tutorial will show you how to use and turn on or off scan mode in Narrator for your account in Windows 11.

Narrator is a screen reader included with Windows 11 that describes what's on your screen. It lets you use your PC without a mouse to complete common tasks if you’re blind or have low vision. It reads and interacts with things on the screen, like text and buttons. Use Narrator to read and write email, browse the internet, and work with documents.

Scan mode in Narrator is a navigation and reading mode that lets you navigate apps, email, and webpages using the arrow keys. You’ll also be able to use common keyboard shortcuts to read text and jump directly to headings, links, tables, and landmarks.

When scan mode is turned on, use the Up and Down arrow keys to navigate apps and webpages. Press Enter or Spacebar to activate an item that you want to use, such as a button in an app, a link in a webpage, or a text box.

Scan mode turns on automatically when you use Mail, Outlook, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Firefox. It also turns on automatically when you open any Windows app where you turned it on before.

If you turn scan mode off for an app, it will remain off for that app until you turn it on again. Scan mode automatically turns off in edit fields so you can enter text. Press the Up or Down arrow key again to leave the edit field and resume scan mode.

Starting with Windows 11 build 22631.4112 (RP), Microsoft has made several changes to improve the performance of Narrator scan mode. This is expected to make scan mode responses much quicker, especially while using Microsoft Edge, and reading through large documents.

Starting with Windows 11 build 26100.2448 (RP), build 22631.4534 (RP), build 22635.4510 (Beta), build 26120.2415 (Dev), and build 27764.1000 (Canary), Microsoft has added new functionalities to Narrator scan mode. Skip past links (N’) allows you to navigate to the text after a link. This is most helpful when navigating through long emails, news articles, and wiki pages. Jump to lists (L’) allows you to quickly access a list on a web page or a document. To try these new features, you need to turn on Narrator first (Win key + Ctrl + Enter), then turn scan mode ON by pressing Caps Lock + Spacebar and finally use the new shortcuts – ‘N’ and ‘L’. Please note that scan mode is ‘ON’ by default on most web pages (like news articles, wiki page, etc.).

Starting with Windows 11 build 22631.4974 (23H2), and build 26100.3323 (24H2), Microsoft has added new functionalities to Narrator scan mode. Jump to list item (I’) allows you to quickly access and jump to a list item on a page or a document. Beginning and end of element (Comma (,) and Period (.)) allow you to quickly jump to the beginning or end of large tables, lists or landmarks. This is most helpful when navigating through long emails, news articles, and wiki pages. To try these new features, you need to turn on Narrator first (Win key + Ctrl + Enter), then turn scan mode ON by pressing Caps Lock + Spacebar and finally use the new shortcuts – ‘I’, ‘,’ and ‘.’. Please note that scan mode is ‘ON’ by default on most web pages (like news articles, wiki pages, etc.).


Here's How:

1 While Narrator is turned on, press the Caps Lock + Spacebar keys to toggle scan mode on and off.

When scan mode is turned on, use the following keys to navigate apps and webpages.

If you are hearing silent stops in scan mode, this may be because Narrator is stopping at a punctuation mark. To have Narrator tell you about that punctuation, increase your punctuation verbosity by pressing Narrator + Alt + Left bracket ([) or Narrator + Alt + Right bracket (]).

Press these keysTo do this
Narrator + SpacebarToggle scan mode on or off
Primary action
Shift + Enter
Shift + Spacebar
Secondary action
HomeMove to and read the first character of a line
EndMove to and read the last character of a line
PRead next paragraph
Shift + PRead previous paragraph
Ctrl + Down arrowRead next line
Ctrl + Up arrowRead previous line
Ctrl + Right arrowRead next word
Ctrl + Left arrowRead previous word
Right arrowRead next character
Left arrowRead previous character
Ctrl + HomeMove to and read the first line of text
Ctrl + EndMove to and read the last line of text
Down arrowJump to next text or item
Up arrowJump to previous text or item
1Jump to next heading at level 1
Shift + 1Jump to previous heading at level 1
2Jump to next heading at level 2
Shift + 2Jump to previous heading at level 2
3Jump to next heading at level 3
Shift + 3Jump to previous heading at level 3
4Jump to next heading at level 4
Shift + 4Jump to previous heading at level 4
5Jump to next heading at level 5
Shift + 5Jump to previous heading at level 5
6Jump to next heading at level 6
Shift + 6Jump to previous heading at level 6
7Jump to next heading at level 7
Shift + 7Jump to previous heading at level 7
8Jump to next heading at level 8
Shift + 8Jump to previous heading at level 8
9Jump to next heading at level 9
Shift + 9Jump to previous heading at level 9
BJump to next button
Shift + BJump to previous button
CJump to next combo box
Shift + CJump to previous combo box
DJump to next landmark
Shift + DJump to previous landmark
EJump to next edit box
Shift + EJump to previous edit box
FJump to next form field
Shift + FJump to previous form field
GJump to next graphic or image
Shift + GJump to previous graphic or image
HJump to next heading
Shift + HJump to previous heading
IJump to next item
Shift + IJump to previous item
KJump to next link
Shift + KJump to previous link
RJump to next radio button
Shift + RJump to previous radio button
TJump to next table
Shift + TJump to previous table
XJump to next checkbox
Shift + XJump to previous checkbox

Use these commands when you’re copying text from content areas like websites or email.

Press these keysTo do this
Shift + Right arrowSelect current character
Shift + Left arrowSelect previous character
Ctrl + Shift + Right arrowSelect current word
Ctrl + Shift + Left arrowSelect previous word
Shift + Down arrowSelect current line
Shift + Up arrowSelect previous line
Ctrl + Shift + Down arrowSelect current paragraph
Ctrl + Shift + Up arrowSelect previous paragraph
Shift + HomeSelect to beginning of line
Shift + EndSelect to end of line
Ctrl + Shift + HomeSelect to beginning of document
Ctrl + Shift + EndSelect to end of document
Shift + Page downSelect current page
Shift + Page upSelect previous page
F9Mark the beginning or end of a block of text
F10Select all text between a mark and the current point
Ctrl + CCopy selection
Ctrl + XCut selection
Ctrl + VPaste selection
Ctrl + ASelect all
Narrator + Shift + Down arrowRead selection
Narrator + Shift + Down arrow twice quicklySpell selection

That's it,
Shawn Brink

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