Very old saying, "Great minds, like soup, run together". Hi again, Wiz!
I was accused of being a Magician for years, for the things I'd do with a PC, before I took the name "TechnoMage" as my forum handle.
I just love doing things that the self-appointed EXPERTS, will say "You can't do that!!!" or, "That won't work!".
And there are a few of those right here on this very forum. You know who you are!
Hey Wiz.... Got Snow?

I was accused of being a Magician for years, for the things I'd do with a PC, before I took the name "TechnoMage" as my forum handle.
I just love doing things that the self-appointed EXPERTS, will say "You can't do that!!!" or, "That won't work!".
And there are a few of those right here on this very forum. You know who you are!
Hey Wiz.... Got Snow?