Hello there!as opposed to yesterday, when it did not; I'll post screenshots for comparison when that happens again
I have even better screenshots. Now it works on one monitor, but not on the other (active and inactive windows look the same, with grey title bar), and on the third monitor it works to half (screenshot below)!
Way to go Microsoft!
Note that this is about Notepad, that behaves slightly different than "classic" apps.
Note 2: A few seconds before writing this post, it returned to normal, so I can give only the screenshot of the half-half window that I made before.
This is all chaos... Apparently the settings reset every now and then (as suggested in other threads).
For testing, I changed my accent color to green and these app use it immediately:
MS Paint, Firefox, MS Edge, Eclipse (and most Java apps), SumatraPDF, PuTTY, Process Explorer, CMD.exe, Hyper-V, Cygwin, Signal
These don't:
Outlook, Explorer, Notepad, Task Manager, Teams, Word

My Computer
System One
- OS
- Windows 11