How to connect to a computer with custom WinRM port using Windows Admin Center?


Local time
9:14 AM
Windows 11
My remote computer has a custom HTTPS WinRM port, I can connect to it using Enter-PSSession just fine and everything works as expected, but don't know how to do it in Windows Admin Center, couldn't find any related info about using custom ports in WAC. I tried IP : port combination (e.g. in computer name in WAC when adding a new Windows PC, but it couldn't find it. I need to use IP because my 2 computers are 2 separate client PCs, no server, AD or domain controller exists and they aren't on the same network, but like I mentioned, using PowerShell it works flawlessly.

so, what's the right way to do this for Windows Admin Center?

I found this article on ten forums, but sadly there is no mention of customizing the WinRM port in Windows Admin Center.
Windows Build/Version
Windows 11 insider build 25217.1010

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 11

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