Hi i'm on win 11 family, and when i click on the mic configuration button (1rst screenshot) for speech recognition i get this error 0x80004003 (2nd screenshot). Thank you if you can help me.
That is a microphone calibration error. Try this first. Right-click on the sound icon in the taskbar > Sounds > Recording > right click on your mic > Configure Speech Recognition.
If that doesn't work, try this. Control Panel > Ease of Access > Speech Recognition
Then hopefully you can set up the mic and speech recognition.
Still not working, try this.
Make sure your microphone is connected to your PC.
Select Start > Settings > System > Sound.
In Input, select the microphone that you want to test.
In Input settings, look at Input volume while speaking into the microphone. If the bar moves while you speak, your microphone is working properly.
If don't see the bar moving, go to Test your microphone and select Start test.
Hi , thanks for the respond, to be more precise i need windows to understand my voice better cause i use another programm (streamerbot) that pass trought windows recognition to understand my voice , so the better windows will understand the better streamerbot will do so , but im unable to set recognition. When i click on the windows vocal recognition it tels me that :
InEnglish it says : Vocal recognition was unable to launch cause the cofigured language is not supported. The recognition language has to match with the user interface language.
But i think all my options are good, here there are :