This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable the Visual Search hover menu in Microsoft Edge for your account or all users in Windows 10 and Windows 11.
The Microsoft Edge web browser is based on Chromium and was released on January 15, 2020. It is compatible with all supported versions of Windows, and macOS. With speed, performance, best in class compatibility for websites and extensions, and built-in privacy and security features.
Visual Search lets you quickly explore more related content about entities in an image in Microsoft Edge.
You can hover on an image in Microsoft Edge to see the hover menu that offers convenient, contextual options for Visual Search and to discover, save, and explore content while browsing.
You can also right click on an image in Microsoft Edge to use the Visual Search context menu.
You can turn on or off to Show hover menu on image hover, and add or remove sites to have the hover menu turned off for.
- Option One: Turn On or Off Hover Menu in Microsoft Edge for Current User in Settings
- Option Two: Turn Off Hover Menu in Microsoft Edge for Current User from Hover Menu
- Option Three: Turn On or Off Hover Menu for Sites in Microsoft Edge for Current User in Settings
- Option Four: Turn Off Hover Menu for Site in Microsoft Edge for Current User from Hover Menu
- Option Five: Enable or Disable Visual Search and Hover Menu in Microsoft Edge for All Users using REG file
EXAMPLE: Visual Search hover menu in Microsoft Edge
1 Open Microsoft Edge.
2 Click/tap on the Setting and more (Alt+F) 3 dots button, and click/tap on Settings. (see screenshot below)
3 Click/tap on Appearance in the left pane, and click/tap on Hover menu in the right pane under the [B}Context menus[/B] section. (see screenshot below)
4 Turn On (default) or Off Show hover menu on image hover for what you want. (see screenshot below)
1 Open Microsoft Edge.
2 Hover on an image to show the hover menu. (see screenshot below)
3 Hover on the Visual Search button at the top right corner of the image to show the Settings (3 dots) button.
4 Click/tap on the Settings (3 dots) button.
5 Click/tap on Hide always.
1 Open Microsoft Edge.
2 Click/tap on the Setting and more (Alt+F) 3 dots button, and click/tap on Settings. (see screenshot below)
3 Click/tap on Appearance in the left pane, and click/tap on Hover menu in the right pane under the [B}Context menus[/B] section. (see screenshot below)
4 Do step 5 (add) or step 6 (remove) below for what you want.
5 Add Site to "Hover menu is turned off for these sites" List
A) Click/tap on the Add button. (see screenshot below)
B) Type the URL for the site you want to add, and click/tap on Add. (see screenshot below)
6 Remove Site from "Hover menu is turned off for these sites" List
A) Click/tap on the Remove site from this list (trash can) button next to site you want to remove. (see screenshot below)
1 Open Microsoft Edge.
2 Hover on an image on a site to show the hover menu. (see screenshot below)
3 Hover on the Visual Search button at the top right corner of the image to show the Settings (3 dots) button.
4 Click/tap on the Settings (3 dots) button.
5 Click/tap on Hide for this site.
Enable or Disable Visual Search and Hover Menu in Microsoft Edge for All Users using REG file
You must be signed in as an administrator to use this option.
This option uses the VisualSearchEnabled policy for Microsoft Edge.
1 Do step 2 (always on), step 3 (always off), or step 4 (default) below for what you want.
2 Always Turn On Visual Search and Hover Menu in Microsoft Edge for All Users
This will override and gray out Option One, Option Two, Option Three, and Option Four.
A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the REG file below, and go to step 5 below.
(Contents of REG file for reference)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
3 Always Turn Off Visual Search and Hover Menu in Microsoft Edge for All Users
This will override and gray out Option One, Option Two, Option Three, and Option Four.
A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the REG file below, and go to step 5 below.
(Contents of REG file for reference)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
4 Default User Choice Visual Search and Hover Menu in Microsoft Edge
This is the default setting to allow using Option One, Option Two, Option Three, and Option Four.
A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the REG file below, and go to step 5 below.
(Contents of REG file for reference)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
5 Save the .reg file to your desktop.
6 Double click/tap on the downloaded .reg file to merge it.
7 When prompted, click/tap on Run, Yes (UAC), Yes, and OK to approve the merge.
8 If Microsoft Edge is currently open, then close and reopen Microsoft Edge to apply.
9 You can now delete the downloaded .reg file if you like.
That's it,
Shawn Brink
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