Welcome to the "ElevenForum"
Firstly, What's the rush, Windows 10 is supported for another 4 years at least (until Oct 2025).
Unfortunately your Processor is also not on the supported CPU list to officially run the latest version.
Nobody can really recommend what is BEST for you, that is a decision you need to make on your own
That being said, upgrading to Win11 on unsupported hardware is not something I would personally do or recommend except for a test PC (like I have done myself and others have successfully done) but there are ways and for NOW, it is working and receiving updates.
What happens in the future, no one knows, and Microsoft could pull the plug any time they want.
If you do decide to upgrade (weighing up all the options, both Pro's and Con's), there are numerous guides and procedures in the numerous threads throughout these forums that cover the majority of scenarios if you decide that you want to upgrade and problems you may encounter.
My only recommendation as a MUST, do a backup of your system before trying any method ahead.