
Windows 11 tutorials, tricks, tips, and guides.
Restore Files or Folders from File History in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to restore previous versions (copies) of files and folders from File History in Windows 10 and Windows 11. File History regularly backs up versions of your files in the Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos, and Desktop folders and the OneDrive files available offline on your PC. Over time, you'll have a complete history of your files. If the originals are lost, damaged, or deleted, you can restore them. You can also browse and restore different versions of your files. For example, if you want to restore an older version of a file (even if it wasn't deleted or lost), you can browse through a timeline, select the version you want, and restore it. File History only backs up copies of files that are in all...
Backup and Restore
Enable or Disable File History in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable File History for your account or all users in Windows 10 and Windows 11. File History regularly backs up versions of your files in the Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos, and Desktop folders and the OneDrive files available offline on your PC. Over time, you'll have a complete history of your files. If the originals are lost, damaged, or deleted, you can restore them. You can also browse and restore different versions of your files. For example, if you want to restore an older version of a file (even if it wasn't deleted or lost), you can browse through a timeline, select the version you want, and restore it. File History only backs up copies of files that are in all folders and...
Backup and Restore
Customize Focus Assist Priority List in Windows 11
Starting with Windows 11 build 22557, Microsoft reimagined focus assist experiences on Windows. It is now called Do not disturb. Do not disturb makes it easy to silence notifications. Additionally, you can set priority notifications to control whether calls, reminders, and specific apps break through when do not disturb is on. Focus is a new experience that enables everyone to stay in the moment and minimize distractions on their PC. To help you stay on track, focus integrates with the Clock app for other focus tools, such as a focus timer and calming music. This tutorial will show you how to customize the focus assist priority list for your account in Windows 11. Notifications are alerts from apps, system, and other senders. Focus...
Manage Focus Assist Automatic Rules in Windows 11
Starting with Windows 11 build 22557, Microsoft reimagined focus assist experiences on Windows. It is now called Do not disturb. Do not disturb makes it easy to silence notifications. Additionally, you can set priority notifications to control whether calls, reminders, and specific apps break through when do not disturb is on. Focus is a new experience that enables everyone to stay in the moment and minimize distractions on their PC. To help you stay on track, focus integrates with the Clock app for other focus tools, such as a focus timer and calming music. This tutorial will show you how to turn on and off and change the settings of focus assist automatic rules for your account in Windows 11. Notifications are alerts from apps...
Turn On or Off Adjust for Daylight Saving Time Automatically in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off automatically adjust clock for daylight saving time (DST) for all users in Windows 11. Daylight saving time (DST) is the practice of advancing clocks (typically by one hour) during warmer months so that darkness falls at a later clock time. The typical implementation of DST is to set clocks forward by one hour in the spring ("spring forward") and set clocks back by one hour in autumn ("fall back") to return to standard time. As a result, there is one 23-hour day in late winter or early spring and one 25-hour day in the autumn. Daylight saving time implementation varies from country to country. Some countries may not observe daylight saving time (DST), whereas other countries may change...
Time and Language
Turn On or Off Set Time Automatically in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off set time automatically for all users in Windows 11. Time is a measure in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future, and also the measure of durations of events and the intervals between them. Your PC's system clock is used to record the time whenever you create or modify files on your PC. You can choose to let Windows 11 set the time automatically, or you can set the time manually. You must be signed in as an administrator to turn on or off set time automatically. Turing on the Set time automatically setting requires turning on Location services and Let apps access your location first. Option One: Turn On or Off Set Time Automatically in...
Time and Language
Change Date in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you different ways on how to manually change the date on the system clock for all users in Windows 11. A calendar date is a reference to a particular day represented within a calendar system. The calendar date allows the specific day to be identified. The date is displayed using the MM/DD/YYYY format by default on the system clock on the taskbar corner in Windows 11. You must be signed in as an administrator to change the date. Option One: Change Date in Settings Option Two: Change Date in Control Panel Option Three: Change Date in Command Prompt Option Four: Change Date in PowerShell Change Date in Settings 1 Open Settings (Win+I). 2 Click/tap on Time & language on the left side, and click/tap on Date...
Time and Language
Change Time in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you different ways on how to manually change the time on the system clock for all users in Windows 11. Time is a measure in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future, and also the measure of durations of events and the intervals between them. Your PC's system clock is used to record the time whenever you create or modify files on your PC. You must be signed in as an administrator to change the time. Option One: Change Time in Settings Option Two: Change Time in Control Panel Option Three: Change Time in Command Prompt Option Four: Change Time in PowerShell Change Time in Settings 1 Open Settings (Win+I). 2 Click/tap on Time & language on the left side, and click/tap...
Time and Language
Enable or Disable Snap Layouts for Maximize Button in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable showing snap layouts when hovering over a maximize button for your account in Windows 11. The Snap windows feature in Windows allows you to automatically resize and arrange windows on your screen. Windows 11 includes a Snap Layouts feature that allows you to select how to snap the current window. Just hover your mouse over a window’s maximize button to see available snap layouts, then click on a zone to snap the window. You’ll then be guided to snap windows to the rest of the zones within the layout with guided snap assist. For smaller screens, you’ll be offered a set of 4 snap layouts. You can also invoke the snap layouts flyout with the Win + Z keyboard shortcut. Starting with...
Enable or Disable Snap Assist in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable Snap Assist for your account in Windows 11. The Snap windows feature in Windows allows you to automatically resize and arrange windows on your screen. When you snap a window, Snap Assist will show what you can snap next to it. Snap Assist significantly speeds up the process of snapping windows side-by-side by offering you a choice of windows to snap by just clicking on a window to snap it. Starting with Windows 11 build 22557, Microsoft improved snap assist to seamlessly animate between zones in a layout for a delightful end-to-end snapping experience. Microsoft has updated the transition animation that shows going from one snapped window state to another. Snap some windows using...
Change Main Display in Windows 11
This tutorial will show you how to set a display to be the main display when you have multiple displays connected to your Windows 11 PC. If you have more than one display connected to your PC, then you will be able to select which display you want to use as the main (primary) display by default for all users. The display set to be the main display will act as the active desktop, show the clock and taskbar corner icons. The sign-in, lock, Ctrl+Alt+Del screens, and most items will open on the main display by default when you initially open them. Option One: Change Main Display in Settings Option Two: Change Main Display in NVIDIA Control Panel Option Three: Change Main Display in Intel Graphics Control Panel Option Four: Change Main...
Enable or Disable Simultaneously Resize Adjacent Snapped window in Windows 11
The When I resize a snapped window, simultaneously resize any adjacent snapped window setting in this tutorial is no longer available. It is now always enabled by default without this setting to toggle on or off. The Snap windows feature in Windows allows you to automatically resize and arrange windows on your screen. When you resize a snapped window, it will simultaneously resize any adjacent snapped window by default. This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable simultaneously resize any adjacent snapped window for your account in Windows 11. Option One: Enable or Disable Simultaneously Resize any Adjacent Snapped window in Settings Option Two: Enable or Disable Simultaneously Resize any Adjacent Snapped window using...

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